Passion and purpose
Oct 23, 2022
It's an odd feeling to hear my words come out of the mouths of leaders. Something I've written said by someone else. I've had the opportunity to do this for seven CEOs. Serious words. Smart catchphrases. Language intended to inspire and persuade.
Coaching and supporting leaders with compelling communications remains a core part of what I do for clients.
But it's time for my voice to speak directly to others who can benefit from the wisdom of 25 years in managing change. I am excited to share via this blog (and the newsletter that delivers it each week: The Friday Upside) to broaden my impact. I am passionate about change and sharing that passion is my purpose.
I am so grateful for the richness and depth of the partnerships with clients across industries that I've worked alongside in my career. There have been many 'make or break' moments where companies and leaders were taking significant risks in order to move their teams forward. Their courage inspires and I am proud to have supported them.
The experiences have left me wiser and humbler.
It's time to put pen to paper consistently and share from that well of knowledge. It can be a lonely and isolated feeling in heading into a transformational change. Often the leaders and project teams brought together face incredible pressure to deliver on-time and on-budget, while having the spotlight on every action and decision.
They're once-in-a-career make-or-break moments.
Yet there's often no one to turn to internally who has experienced a similar change. It's a lonely feeling, compounded by high stakes, high pressure, and high visibility.
The Friday Upside is a way to connect leaders, project teams, and change practitioners with stories, insights and practical tips that inspire and show how to move change forward. Faster.
We can all use a bit of encouragement amidst big change.
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